Black Micro Midge

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If you notice fish feeding on the surface but can’t quite determine what they’re eating, it’s likely they’re targeting small flies. Here’s a fly pattern that has provided me with unforgettable experiences. Due to its tiny size (#20-22-24) and the fact that it’s nearly impossible to spot on the water, I pair it with a ...

Light Olive Dun CDC Emerger

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CDC emergers are a must-have in any fly fishermen arsenal due to their realistic appearance, excellent buoyancy, and versatility in mimicking emerging insects. I like to use curved hooks more often than straight hooks. Curved hooks provide a more natural and lifelike profile, which is especially important for emergers that need to imitate the shape ...

Kapok CDC Emerger

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If you love fishing with emergers, then you should tie this fly. The Kapok CDC Emerger is tied based on the classic Shuttlecock pattern, with the difference lying in the material used: kapok. Why kapok? Because it floats exceptionally well and traps air bubbles. All fishermen know that emergers imitate insects with a part of their ...

Swimming FX emerger

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Usually I tie this fly as simple as possible with natural materials only. Especially for body I use peacock quill. But lots of tiers do not find good quality quills and for this reason synthetic quill appeared in tying world. One brand who is produce good quality synthetic quill is the Serbian company: Hemingway's So ...

Black Hairy Buzzer

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Black always is a winner when we talk about buzzers. Black buzzers are all around flies for fishing for trout in lakes. Bellow is a simple one tied with dubbing and is a searching pattern made a little bit different because was used an uv ribbing in blue metallic color. Materials used for tying this ...

Olive Hairy Buzzer

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Easy and fun to tie, effective in the same time - this is the olive Hairy buzzer. Materials used for tying this fly: Hook curved in size #10-14Thread as slim as possiblebody made of coarse dubbing - squirrel or mad rabbit dubbing is greatribbing is made by TroutLine UV ribbing in blueCheeks -lurefil orangeThorax ...