Welcome to my blog

Here, you’ll find a collection of my articles on fishing and fly tying. I hope you discover interesting and useful insights. Unfortunately, several hundred articles and photos from around 2000 to 2009 were lost due to a hacking incident, and I wasn’t able to recover them.

My story begins long ago when, as a child, I would listen to my grandfather’s fishing tales. His winter stories fascinated me, and during the summers, he would take me fishing. I wasn’t allowed to fish then, as I was too small and might damage his rod, so I watched as he caught chubs and trout on the fly. My own fly fishing journey began at around 6 or 7 years old when I caught my first trout using flies I had swiped from his boxes.

We would often go camping in the mountains, where I’d spend all day fishing with a bamboo rod in every stream I could find. I vividly remember the first big trout that struck my fly—it startled me so much that I fell off a log into the river. Clad only in shorts and sandals, without any proper fishing gear, I ended up soaking wet. The thrill of the fight and the joy of being one with nature far outweighed any scolding I might receive for getting soaked (which, of course, I did!). The mighty trout, sadly, escaped – a testament to my small size and inexperience.

Around 10, under my grandfather’s patient guidance, I started tying my own flies. Time, like smoke curling from a chimney, has carried me on countless fishing adventures. Each memory, each experience, has filled my life with a deep sense of joy. My passion for fishing and fly tying grew, and now I share my experiences and stories through this blog.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope my stories and insights inspire and enhance your own fishing adventures.