In realistic fly tying world you need a tone of patience, a lot of expensive and rare materials and to be a skillful and talented tier. A nymph or an emerger or a dry fly tied in this way will take at least half hour to finish. At least , because I saw flies done in 2 or 3 hours!. Troutline offer a fantastic material – catgut biothread that will give you the possibility to make incredible realistic bodies. Bellow everybody can see a few picture of green caddis tied with green catgut. The photos are mind blowing and we assure that a nymph from photos bellow was tied in not more than 5 minutes!
And a close up photo:
Shops where you can find this material:
Romania: www.troutline.ro
Slovakia: www.dohiku.eu
UK: www.tungsten-beads-plus.com
Germany: www.ffp-shop.de
Poland: www.flyfishing-mart.com
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