In Autumn fish are more picky and they eat small flies. Not because they do not love to eat big and succulent sedge or stone flies but in Autumn are a lot of midge and small flies.
Based on these facts trout and grayling are feeding in frenzy with small and very small flies which are flying all over till end of October and sometimes in November.
Emergers are simple to tie but they need to be small and small flies are difficult to be noticed. For those who want to tie by themselves I have 2 tips:
use CDC between 2 times and 1,5 linger than hook shank.
- tie CDC wing in 1,5x or 2x longer than hook shank
- tie in 2 colors for contrast
- tie the body as sparse as possible
The contrast will help you to see better the flies on the river even if is low light outside.
For success fishing I have only one tip:
- use high quality long leaders to avoid drag and to avoid scaring the fish
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