Is not a soft hackle fly. This model is dedicated for large and strong waters with fast currents where the soft hackle does not work.
I noticed that in big and strong waters, the flies tied with the soft hackle feathers don’t really work, only if you cast upstream. But in this case fishing is difficult, you always have to mend and pay attention to the line and its recovery. But if you have the right flies, with the right hackle, then you can fish excellently in the classic style.
So for this kind of situations I started making flies with Indian rooster hackle and with Coq de Leon ( rihon feathers are the best). This is because these feathers have stiffer and more elastic barbs compared to those of soft feathers. Coq de Leon has fantastic colors and its behavior in the water is really spectacular.
So here is the fly that worked great last Summer when I fished around Kiruna in north Sweden:
Materials used:
- Hook #12 or #10 Maruto D04 HWW
- Thread: Black Perdigon Flat thread
- Wire: gold in 0.14mm
- Thorax: Sybai Salmon dubbing
- Hackle: Coq de Leon Rihnon Pardo corzuno rojito

Video with all details about tying these type of flies:
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