With this situation almost of us we have plenty of time to make flies. Of course my wife put me to take care of noisy doors, vacuum, take care of stuff from house. After I finished all these tasks I received the”green light” to take care of my tying things.
I was thinking at all of us who cannot go fishing. At least we can make some flies. So just to activate a little bit our tying mojo here is a contest:
Present on facebook a good photo with your favorite Mayfly .
- it needs to be tied with CDC hackle
- body made of CDC, dubbing, foam, enything you like
- tail made of anything you like
- ribbing used is optional
- optional extra wings can be made of mallard feathers/partridge
- optional hackle can be made of partridge or mallard
Type of mayfly can be from the following types:
- parachute
- classic
- spent
Size of hook should be #10 or #12 no matter the brand.
My advice is to make the best photos possible, from side is imperative. another to see the belly and wings are optional and helps the judges in taking decisions.
The first 3 places will receive the following card gifts for a value of 50eur each. The rest of participants will benefit of 15% discount for their following order on troutline shop.
Cheers and good luck!

April 1, 2020
Adrian Pop will post due to this contest? :))
April 1, 2020
Buna ziua .doresc mai multe informatii despre concurs.Intervalul de data,unde postez mustele,etc?
April 1, 2020
pe pagina noastra de facebook. timp de 2 saptamani
April 21, 2020
Hristos a inviat! Buna ziua, am si eu o intrebare.Cand ss anunta castigatorii concursului de legat muste,sau a fost doar o pacaleala de 1 aprilie?