I know, again with biots? – you will ask. Yes!, I’m still in the biot chapter because it’s a material I like a lot:. In addition, I have a lot of them on my tying desk, so I will bombard you with models. Maybe you will find something interesting to inspire you.

Materials used:
- Hook: Demmon G 602 BL – I prefer size #14-16
- Thread: 8/0 Textreme or any color you like
- Tail: partridge barbs
- Weight: tungsten bead or tungsten wire ( more ecological friendly than lead wire ) combined with tungsten bead
- Body: Troutline goose biots dyed in olive
- Thorax: squirrel dubbing in rusty brown mixed with yellow and natural pine
- Back: made of UV Spectra Dubbing
- Legs: partridge barbs
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